ase5 protects card data and money against 5 way of fraud attacks.
ase55 detects skimmer, trap, vibration and intrusion.
ase5 measures ATM environment through sensors.
ase5 controls ATM modules and external appliances.
ase5 connect to atmservo, the most advanced anti-skimming monitoring & management software.
ase5 & 5-Way Protection
Anti-Skimming Against Overlay Skimmers (M1 & M2)
ase5 provides a reliable protection for magnetic card data agaist overlay skimming attacks. Thanks to its unique jamming technology, ase5 is a perfect solution for all analog, digital and stereo skimming techniques.
Anti-Skimming Against Inlay Skimmers (M3 & D3)
ase5 is the only provider offering a smart, connected anti-deep insert skimmer solution. The module is a perfect fit both for motorised (M3 area) and dip card readers (D3 area). It works either as a module of ase5 or standalone.
Anti-Shimming Against Chip Card copy attacks (M3 & D3)
Copying track2 equivalent data from the chip reader contacts is one of the new threats. ase5 is the only provider offering a smart, connected anti-shimmer solution. The module is a perfect fit both for motorised (M3 area) and dip card readers (D3 area). It works either as a module of ase5 or standalone.
Anti-Eavesdropping (M3 & D3)
ase5 offers a multi-level protection against eavesdropping attacks. A metal cover for card reader, metal shield for ATM fascia, tilt and vibration detector or fascia intrusion detector are available solutions to defend and protect the card readers.
Anti-Black Box and Cash Out Attack Protection
<bvk> is the only supplier having a strategy for black box, malware and cash out attacks. For this new threat, it is so important to centralize ATM top box access and detect unauthorised access both from fascia or back door. ase5 has got door open switch, fascia tampering detector, tilt and vibration detector. Once an attack is detected, dispenser can be shut down immediately while an error message is sent to monitoring system and alarm panel. For Central management of ATM top box access control, <bvk> offers atm mini lock, The world’s first OTC and NFC lock.
ase5 & Detection
Detecting Overlay Skimmer (M1 & M2)
ase5 has got a high sensitive detection module that fits to every bezel type and detects any suspicious object attached to the bezel. Not only metal but plastic, rubber, etc. all materials can be detected. Banks can set waiting time that prevents false alarms. Once a suspicious object is treated as a skimmer, card reader and/or display is shut down until the skimmer is removed.
Detecting Inlay Skimmer and shimmer (M3 & D3)
ase5 is the only provider offering a smart, connected deep insert skimmer and shimmer detection solution. It works either as a module of ase5 or standalone. Once a suspicious object is treated as a skimmer, card reader and/or display is shut down until the skimmer is removed.
Detecting Fascia Tampering, Intrusion or drilling
ase5 offers tilt and vibration and/or intrusion detector. Once a tampering attack is detected, It is reported to monitoring system and also card reader, display or dispenser modules can be shut down.
Detecting Card Trapping
ase5 is capable to detect card trapping attacks and other card jams. Depending on the scenario parameters, the card reader is shut down, alarm panel and monitoring system is immediately acknowledged.
ase5 & Measurement
Measuring Temperature & Humidity
Connecting a temperature & humidity sensor, ase5 is able to measure environmental air condition automatically. According to set treshold values, it is possible to program ase5 to take automatic actions and send alarm messages. Operators may also instantly query the end points .
Measuring Electricity Current & Voltage
With current and voltage sensors, the operators are able to get notified of changes in power quality, general power failures or a failure of a single device. Wouldn’t be great to know about the reason and origin of a power / device failure to sort out the case easily.
Measuring the flooding
Using a flooding sensor, ase5 may protect all electrical devices from svere damages and protects operator’s thousands of dollars worth assets.
Measuring Fuel Level
Off-site ATMs powered by a fuel generators are always vulnarable to out of fuel risk. Measuring and reporting the fuel level is a good use case of ase5.
ase5 & Control
Controlling the Air Conditioner
Depending on temperature & humidity sensor values, ase5 is able to start and stop air conditioner automatically. ase5 gives a big opportunity to save up from operational costs as well as increases the service up-time levels.
Controlling In & Out Lighting
Smartly managing the in & out lighint is another great opportunity to increase the service quality and customer satisfaction whereas saving the costs.
Controlling the electrical appliances
With ase5 it is possible to close / open any electrical device being used in an ATM room. Assigning to a rule, auto-control is possible whereas the maual management from the remote remains as a option.
Controlling the ATM Safety
Off-site ATMs are used to be open targets of vandals. A window shutter can be automatically or remotely managed by ase5 and protect ATM asset from physical attacks and public vandalism.
ase5 & Connection
Connecting to atmservo
atmservo is the most advanced anti-skimming remote monitoring and management software. ase5 can be monitored and managed by this multi-vendor web application.
Connecting to ATM Monitoring Systems
ase5 can be easily connected to and being monitored by operator’s existing ATM monitoring system.
Always Up to Date
ase5 technology gives the opportunity to remotely update the firmware, parameters and agent software whenever needed.Event logs can be retrieved by operating center for audit trails.
Connecting to Alarm Control Centers
It is possible to connect ase5 to a local alarm panel via a dry contact cable, so that selected alarm cases can be transmitted to alarm centers and/or police stations through the existing alarm panels.